Infancy Gospel


Your glories are your own,

revealed to yourself alone;

what must I do to be annihilated in you?


Where am I?

Where is this entity fixed? In your mind, your omniscient mind:

Somewhere between I, and I am not.


I am the color grey:

A harmony of white and black;

Holy as the Ancient of Days, 

yet impoverished of the light for which I beg.




Alone in transcendence, Independent of the worlds;

You are unknown, you are not found…



A birth, a Son;

A Father is revealed in His begetting;

A mystery is re-veiled in its birthing.


A book sent forth, a scroll unfurled:

We sent it down with holy lips;

A wind rushing passed, a herald gone forth:

I prophesy the coming of the Holy Ancient One!



A birth, a nativity:

O Silent Night.

Where is he that is born King of the Jews?

For we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.


Come and see:

In the stall for animals, 

wherein the beast-nature lay;

There was no place for him in this world’s inn. 


See? Here is a manger in our stable low.

Lay your blest head down upon the straw which we provide;

Sleep that deep and holy sleep,

For when your eyes shut, our eyes open wide.


As I enter your rest,

let me be your infancy gospel.


The babe cries IAO, the vowels of creation:

The babe awakening, smiles;

My heart illumined by his love.



I have wine to drink, and bread to eat:

Will you not join me in my feast?


I was depraved, and so deprived I myself in this foolish fast.


Toward what end this pallid languishing?


In the dead of night, I saw not the light as if dimly lit:

How can I come in clothes so tattered, smelling rotten and rancid? 


Yet sought I comfort, not in barn but in brothel,

enticed by the warm glow that shone upon Salome.


What can I give you on this my birthday?

Up to half my kingdom would I for this dance.


That will not do, nor would it suffice;

that you should pay me only half the price:

    This is what I ask, nay, what I demand:

Serve up now the head of the Baptist in your hand.


For only all will do, and only all would suffice:

Half a kingdom is not the baptism he preached,

“Repent ye, the kingdom of heaven is at hand!”


Do you not know, and can you not see?

This brothel is a church for the damned.

These worshipers dream, carving idols with adulterous eyes!



Get you out, leave your garment in her bloodied hand:

This whore drinks deep the cup of many slain.


My face lifted to his, one kiss set me free:

His lips drank deep the wine of shame,

the dregs of suffering.


This bread is my flesh,

which I give for the life of the world;

This cup is my blood, shed for the forgiveness of sin.



I am brought to your banqueting house, a bountiful feast;

I have become your house of wine:

O taste and see that the Lord is good!


From hence I stagger into the night:

where did I go?

Where am I found?


Stupefied, intoxicated from the fruit of the vine:

The room spinning, swirling round reflecting all colors:

Polished to a reflective hue.


Silent night, holy night:

I emerge as the light.


Shining forth from darkened veil:

An all-encompassing Word, letters spanning from A to Z;

When I saw him, I swooned at his feet as dead, 

Fear not.


His hand reaffirmed me once again: 

I am the first and the last,

glad you could join me in this repast.


Leon Bahrman 



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